Hey delegates, BMUN is tomorrow and we can't wait to see all of you!! Make sure to check out our blog here and read through all the informative and helpful posts we have made for you guys (comment based on your character's position too!). In this post, I just wanted to stress a couple of logistical things: 1. The schedule for BMUN can be found here , in which our committee is officially called HIST so take note of that! Mathilde will be meeting you guys at Lower Sproul for committee meetups so make sure to look out for our committee sign there! 2. Our committee follows a strict no-tech policy, meaning you shouldn't be on your laptops or phones throughout committee. You're of course welcome to print out any research you think is relevant, and bring any written materials to conference. But because we are mostly expecting directives, we don't think there's any need for computers to type up long-winded resolutions. So please do bring plenty ...