Position Paper Grades and Clarifications

Hey delegates,
We released the graded position papers with feedback on Huxley last night. Make sure to look through and work on our comments and feel free to email us if you have any questions/trouble accessing your graded paper!
On the whole, we were impressed with the quality and depth of preparation everyone seems to be putting in for BMUN and we can't wait to see how it all unfolds this weekend!
Having said that, we did notice some common misconceptions while grading your papers and I'd like to clarify them in this blog post:

1. Many of you extensively referenced events that occurred after the beginning of committee (31st October, 1918). While this is useful in terms of understanding the factors behind these events and can definitely be used to guide your actions during the crises you will face in committee, we wanted to clarify that every event in real life after 31st October, 1918 may or may not occur in committee. If you would like an event that occurred in real life to happen in committee, you would need to utilize your portfolio powers to try to make that happen. Naturally, this opens up numerous possibilities for you and we hope to see innovative ways of influencing events in your favour!
2. With regards to the case studies in the topic synopsis, we just wanted to emphasize that the case studies aimed to provide detailed background information about specific events that we thought would be useful for you to know. However, these events will not be the sole focus, or maybe not even the primary focus, of our committee and you should be prepared to respond to crises about a variety of issues pertaining to the Ottoman Empire. 

Be on the lookout for a final Logistics post on Wednesday and look forward to meeting all of you on Friday!


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